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Arts Spontanés 

Arts Spontanés is an independent French association based in Paris specialized in live performances around the world.  Since 2015 we produce and coordinate unique creative experiences in performing arts.

The objective is to discover and experience art emotionally, live performance becomes a place of exploring senses. Seeking to unleash the potential of creating the bondage between the manifest, the artist and the public.

Specialized in music and live performance we promote classical music (from the 9th century to contemporary music), but we also support other forms of music and artists who believe and support the aesthetic that we want to transmit.

Our policy to develop cultural and social actions offers a range of educational music projects to schools, hospitals, prisons, and retirement homes.

Research is also the main matter of our actions.

The long-term artistic collaborations we have made over the past five years, allowing us to build projects that abolish the distance between the public from the artist and the work.

Through our actions, we seek to familiarize the audience with the aesthetic that we want to present in order to make the live concert more experiential. There is no distinction between the public, we all hear and see the same thing. The difference is in the experience…


This year we celebrate our seventh anniversary.

Chrysanthos Antoniou

Founder and president association Arts Spontanés


All Rights Reserved © 2024 ARTS SPONTANÉS (independent French association under the law of 1901)

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